Why do most of students want to study abroad?
Nowadays, most of students want to study abroad. Some people study abroad after finishing high school. Others people study abroad to get master degree after they graduate university . Most will go oversea to study if they have opportunities. There are three reasons to study abroad. These reasons include to get international degree, to be independent, to learn new culture.
I found some grammar mistakes.First,"others people" should be corrected other people. Second, I thought if "graduated university" should be corrected "graduated from university".Third, I thought the sentence "if they have opportunities" is better. Also, I saw a clear thesis statement.
" Some people only finished high school and they go to study abroad." you use and to conjunction ,so it has to same tense between finish and go.
1. "Others people" : other people
2. "after they graduate university" : after they graduate from university
3. ", to learn new
culture." : ,and to learn new culture. (use ",and" at last example)
It does funnel and include a clear thesis statement.
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